As big data is becoming a mainstream business, organizations today are exploring this avenue to transform their business and provide their clients with insightful business intelligence. They have learned that the big data is not just a single technology, technique or an initiative. Instead, it is a trend that’s across many areas of business and …
Data Challenges faced by Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) in this information age is a buzzword, however soon the situation will change as many companies are understanding its application. As the technology is rapidly becoming more widespread and awareness of its potential is growing day by day, VR will go mainstream. However, like any new and revolutionary technology, with all …

The changing business of large file transfer- From FTP to SaaS
Businesses these days mainly operate on data like facts, figures, and values. However, the same data becomes a nasty drain clog when its stockpiles. Organizations tend to face significant financial losses if they can’t bring data to the right place at the right time. The flow of data across the Internet is steadily and constantly …
Why There Is A Need For Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan In Business
An effective & reliable backup & disaster recovery plan is essential to virtually every business today. It has become a crucial part of every company’s IT strategy, and without it, you will face major challenges in case of cyber-attack, human error, or natural disaster etc. which ultimately results to data loss. Hence the amount of …

Dmorph Inc. announces the launch of its new service “eSS Lite”
DURHAM, NC — Dmorph Inc. has done it again. Today we announce the release of eSS Lite, an exclusive new file transfer service to transmit large files quickly, reliably, and securely. The new service, eSS Lite, represents a new industry best tool for managed file transfer and a new level of service for customers of …

Stewart Inc. Chooses eSecureSend For Reliable & Fast Delivery Of Data
Architecture, Engineering, and Construction organizations today require specialized expertise as they are distributed across many locations and have created serious collaboration challenges. Current challenges faced by workers who are present at remote locations include latency issues, document version control, and the ability for a worker to access, edit, and update files from anywhere.The size of …

Challenges faced by content creators in adopting 4K technology
The continued spur in 4K TV manufacturing and sales is slowly but surely leading up to increased consumer demand for 4K media. However, content creators have yet to adopt it. There are significant challenges that affect every step in the media production workflow from ingestion to post-production. Delivery is especially burdened in getting content to …

How Google Fiber Reshaped Where Startups Do Business
The Triangle has become one of the strongest entrepreneurial tech hubs in the United States offering quality of life and a lower cost of living that Silicon Valley cannot compete with. Along with that has come a bevy of innovation and small companies able to compete on a global scale. It has also brought about …

Experience Attending Broadcast India Show 2017 in Mumbai
Broadcast India Show 2017 was held on 12-14 Oct 2017 at Mumbai, India. Companies and corporates, veterans and professionals, suppliers and customers, visionaries and stalwarts from the broadcast and entertainment industry, had optimizing opportunities, facilitating trade links and enabling info-exchange on a global level. I had an opportunity to be a part of the event …